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How to Master your Day with Luke Sheriff, Co-Founder of PROVERB

1. Do you have a morning routine? If so, what does it look like?

I do and I don’t! Over the years my morning routine has adapted as life has changed from being a full time professional athlete, to a business owner and then a parent. As an athlete the most important part of my morning routine was nutrition, training 2 or 3 times a day meant that if I didn’t get up early enough to eat well it made for a very long and tiring day! Starting our business, I was very much in the camp of getting up at 5.00am to ‘beat the day’, allowing me time to train, plan the day and get ahead before the inevitable challenges the day would throw at you. Then as a parent of young children I began to focus on starting my morning routine the night before! The tiredness the comes with the demands on young children taught me the importance of quality sleep and so now as I try to balance training, work and spending time with the children focus on getting 7-8 hrs a night in order to crush the day. So for me, getting to bed before 11 is key, that allows me to get up between 6-7, training, eat well and help get the children ready for school leaving enough time to be focused and ready for the day at work.

2. What’s your go-to breakfast to keep you energised for the day ahead? 

4 poached eggs, 2 piece of gluten-free toast, organic butter, avocado and grilled tomatoes.

3. Tell us, as a busy Entrepreneur - are there any apps/tech you swear by that help you manage your day? 

I love tech and think it can be a huge time and money saver when used properly, our brand is all about efficiency. However, the tech I rely on most is the simple ‘alarm app’ on my phone. I had punctuality drummed into me playing a team sport like rugby and being on time/not missing calls is something I still pride myself on. Knowing I have an alarm set means I can get on with my day with the peace of mind that I won’t miss that important call or to pick the kids up from school! It helps me stop feeling overwhelmed and the added bonus is I don’t have to keep checking my phone, which is always a distraction, to see what I am doing next.

4. Do you have any top tips for balancing work and a social life?

I was talking about this recently to fellow entrepreneur and it is definitely a skill I have learned over the years. We are very lucky running our own business that it gives us the flexibility to work around the children and social events. As a general rule we make time by often working after the children are in bed to allow us to not miss out on key family time. However you decide to find time for the things in life other than work be it family or friends the one top tip I would give you is switch off from work completely. As much as we like to tell ourselves as busy people that we can do 2 things at once it just isn’t true. So when you are at work be at work 100% and when you away from it be away 100% which means book in time away from we all need it and if possible leave your phone out of it. While phones are a incredible tool for work they also make it very hard to get away from it and if you have it with you, you will be tempted to check in with work which not only defeats the object of being away from work but it also sets and example to others around you to do the same diminishing the time you do have together. I appreciate this is easier said than done but give it a go some time, go out without your phone and see how you feel #yougetoutwhatyouputin

5. What excites you the most about your work?

The people I get to work with. We have an incredible team who bring so much passion and enthusiasm to what we are trying to achieve that it never ceases to inspire me to do better.

6. Do you have any advice for staying motivated?

Don’t be afraid to re-evaluate your goals and reconsider the things that motivate you. This is for 2 reasons. 1) It always takes longer to achieve goals than you plan (well that is my experience!!) and it can be demotivating if you don’t give yourself a chance to reassess, see how far you have come and check the goals are still the right one. 2) Motivations change over time. The things you wanted when you were 20 are probably not the things you want when you are 40 and allowing yourself to recognise that will also help you stay motivated for the right reasons which will produce the best outcomes.

7. What does self-care mean to you?

I am not sure I have a good answer to this but I believe it starts with learning to love yourself. This might sound very ethereal but the people I know that are the best at making the decision that make their needs a priority (and yes you can still do this and be a kind, giving and thoughtful person) are those that have at some point realised their self-worth and value to others. Once you have belief this about yourself it is easier to take the time to look after yourself along with the idea that seems to make most sense to me is that if you can’t care for yourself you won’t be in as good a position mentally or physically to help others.

8. Finally, what’s in your La Pochette?

PROVERB refillable natural deodorant, refillable body wash, cleanse and shave nutrient mud, Athletic’s Greens Travel supplement and Waken Toothpaste.