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Victory for Veganuary - what next for plant life?

The health and environmental benefits of a Vegan lifestyle persuaded record numbers of us to commit to a lifestyle change this January with 250,000 people worldwide signing up to the Veganuary charity’s annual event and many more switching to a plant base diet unofficially as part of their New Year health kick.

But what next, and how easy is it to make the change a permanent lifestyle choice?

Veganism – the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products – is certainly an easier lifestyle to adopt in 2019 than in 1944 when the Vegan Society was first formed. Far from being a social Siberia, the Vegan foodie community has gone downright cool with Vegan tasting menus at Roka, allplants delivering to our homes, Vegan nights on Brick Lane and the Hemsley sisters introducing us to the wonder that is Seitan. Heck, the NY Times recently reported that a kindergarten in Seattle has gone Vegan.

And, of course, it goes further than not just eating animal products. We can now rejoice in the mainstream availability of applying Vegan beauty products and wearing Vegan fashion - step forward LA’s Vegan Fashion Week held for the first time this year. The brainchild of activist Emmanuelle Rienda, VFW aims to educate and change the traditional conversation around Vegan fashion and showcase the innovation and creativity to be found in the industry. Hurrah to that, we say.

In fact, there is hardly an area of our lifestyles which hasn’t been given the Vegan-over. Fancy trying a new sport that is Vegan-friendly? No problem; try Flash Climbing centre where all the equipment, materials and café are animal-product free. Want a Vegan city break? London’s Hilton Bankside offers a suite where everywhere you touch is suitable for a Vegan - including the dedicated reception area which features Pineapple leather chairs – as are all the products used by the staff to clean and maintain the suite.

According to Veganuary, six in ten of those who took their pledge this year plan to stay Vegan, persuaded as much by the reported improvement in health as the sincere wish to reduce the impact our consumption has on the planet. Whilst taking on a fully Vegan lifestyle is getting increasingly easier to achieve, an even larger number of us are taking smaller steps in planet – and plant – positivity classifying themselves as flexitarians, or part-time vegans.

We can all do our bit, and we thought our products shouldn’t be an exception, so we chose to work with Vegan stamped, textured leather in our Anywhere Everywhere range. Highly durable and water resistant, we think it looks beautiful too.


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