
Sweat / Kit / Shoe Bags

Wet Bags / Aqua Bags

Belt Bags

Clear Pouches

Workout Accessories


Spa & Recovery

Swim & Sauna

Yoga & Pilates


Are you travelling smart?

It’s more than a decade since security rules were introduced to limit the amount of liquid a passenger is permitted in their hand luggage on a commercial flight – yet every time we get on a plane someone either doesn’t know the rules or gets caught out.

With hand luggage space at a premium, restrictions on liquids can force you to compromise how you travel, the products you take, or even force you to use unsustainable single-use plastics that do nothing for the planet.

Travel doesn’t need to be like this, but if you want to travel smart you need to know how to pack liquids.

Take a re-usable water bottle

Carrying empty bottles through security isn’t prohibited. Taking your own re-usage bottle with you means you can fill-up airside and always have a drink ready to keep you hydrated throughout your journey.

Not only will you then avoid buying expensive and environmentally unfriendly single use bottles for your water, you’ll also have something useful to take to the beach with you every day.

Pack re-usable shampoo bottles

Any filled liquid container you travel with must be no more than 100ml. Of course, you can put more liquids in hold luggage, but on a quick weekend away who wants to waste time at the carousel waiting for a bag? Or, if you’ve lucked out on a £50 return ticket to Paris, do you really want to eat into your shopping fund to put a bag in the hold?

Don’t be forced into hold luggage - and certainly don’t be forced to buying whatever’s sold in the airport pharmacy at your destination. Small, reusable bottles mean you can take just enough of your favourite shampoo, conditioner and moisturiser with you when you go.

Get yourself a TSA-approved travel bag

So, you’ve got your reusable shampoo bottles but when you’re at security do you want to empty your carry-on and put them all in one of those single-use plastic bags they hand out in the queue?

No, you want to travel smart - but not at the expense of style. That’s why we created the compact Anywhere Everywhere travel bag.

Travel rules say containers must be in a single, transparent, resealable plastic bag that measures approximately 20cm x 20cm and the contents must fit comfortably inside the bag so it can be sealed.

Organisation is liberation. That’s why our compact Anywhere Everywherebag is approved for use by the US’s Transport Security Administration.

The Anywhere Everywhere bag is the answer for smart, effortless travel.


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