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How to Master Your Day with Lucy Goff, Founder of LYMA

What’s your go-to breakfast to keep you energised for the day ahead?

Breakfast is non-negotiable. I’ll either have some sourdough toast with salted butter, or if I’m feeling like a brain boost, I’ll add sliced avocado on top. I don’t start breakfast until I’ve had a glass of water with two LYMA capsules each morning. I’m a big believer in good habits and that’s how I start every single day. The LYMA Supplement keeps me balanced, gives me the energy I need to manage a hectic lifestyle and assures great quality sleep to recharge and do it all again tomorrow.

What does working out mean to you?

I used to take my exercise very seriously and had a personal trainer, but it turned out to be the wrong approach for me and I gave it up after a year. Now I incorporate exercise into my daily routine and I mix it up between strength training, cardio and flexibility. I find that by keeping movement low-key and working out a couple of times a week, it all seems to tick over.

Tell us, as a busy founder - are there any apps/tech you swear by that help you manage your day?

I can run from one meeting about working up new creative concepts, to the next liaising with scientists on new discoveries, then another for a discussion of new prototypes. If I tried to keep all that in my head it wouldn’t work - I like to keep it high-tech but simple, so my Iphone is my bible and I’m never without it. Other than that, the LYMA Laser is the tech device I swear by for my skin. Whilst it can’t schedule my meetings or organise childcare, it can noticeably improve the visible signs of a busy life, well lived. Whether I’m firming sagging skin along my jawline (I point blank refuse to get jowls!) or targeting the fine lines and wrinkles around my eyes, the Laser is so easy to use and can be taken anywhere, whether I’m at my desk, travelling in between meetings or on the sofa.

Do you have any top tips for balancing work and play?

Setting up a good daily routine and honest deadlines. There’s no point burning the wick at both ends and leaving yourself completely burnt out. We’re humans, not robots and we’re not built to handle the current stimulus of modern daily life. For me, prioritising family time with the same severity as I prioritise work deadlines is the way I keep my feet firmly planted in both worlds, without sacrificing either.

What excites you the most about your work?

Most people would think it’s the big moments, we launched LYMA Skincare recently which was an incredibly exhilarating time. It’s taken years because it’s the world’s most powerful and proven epigenetic skincare but we got there in the end. That was a real moment but genuinely what excites me is hearing how LYMA has improved the lives of so many of our customers. I think it’s because that metamorphosis is what I’ve been through too. When I first tried the LYMA Supplement, then when I saw my first skin results with the Laser and now, how I see the texture and quality of my skin being changed by the LYMA Skincare. I get such a buzz from others saying “Yes! This is changing my life too!”

What's been your proudest career highlight to-date?

The FDA clearance of the Laser in the US marked a huge milestone for LYMA. Being the first clinic-grade skincare laser FDA cleared for home use, the criteria were incredibly tough to meet but I will never dilute the power or efficacy of our products so we just had to keep ticking the boxes and presenting the scientific evidence. Another pinch me moment had to be this year, when we received the King’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade. I created LYMA to help people achieve their full potential with technology that puts science, results and evidence above everything else. So I was incredibly proud to accept the award on behalf of the LYMA team of scientists, doctors, experts and visionaries who continue to push the boundaries for those looking to become their best.

What makes LYMA different?

LYMA is all about being different! We don't follow anything that’s gone before, we intentionally move away from what others are doing to break new barriers. That sounds like hype but the Supplement remains the only nutraceutical formulated with ten peer-reviewed, patented ingredients all scientifically proven to give a health benefit at that dosage. The LYMA Laser is the only clinic-grade low-level laser light engineered to be safe enough to use at home. And now our breakthrough epigenetic skincare targets all eight mechanisms of skin ageing identified by scientists. It’s not easy staying ahead of the curve, you can’t stop innovating but at least it means we have no competitors.

Do you have any advice for staying motivated?

My daughter is a daily source of motivation and never ceases to amaze me. The way she approaches life is like nothing I’ve witnessed before. She often hears me on the phone trying to sort issues out, and she’s like “mum, what you’re saying isn’t logical, you should just do this” and nine times out of ten, she’s spot on. There’s something so refreshing about the views of children before they have been influenced by reality or past experiences. We so often act out of fear over a past experience, when we should be finding the courage to move on and wipe the slate clean.

What does self-care mean to you?

I prefer the term ‘self-investment’ - putting the good in now to reap the benefits in the future. I focus on my future self and building resilience from the inside out. Though I don’t believe in amassing habits that take away from the present, intentional living needs to be kept simple and proven to work. I only want to take one Supplement, I only want a couple of steps in my skincare, I want my skin rejuvenation to relax me, not stress me or my skin out.

I also truly believe in checking out every now and again. For me that’s travel, exploring new places and being with those who bring me joy. I don’t want to live forever but I do want to extend my health and happiness, spanning for as long as possible.

Do you have any tips for the skincare pre and post workout?

Pre workout, I would always start from your diet, eat unprocessed food, plenty of fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Then post morning workout, I double cleanse the skin and apply the LYMA Skincare 2-step protocol followed by SPF. Less is more. It’s so tempting to overload the skin with hi-tech formulas promising the world but that only confuses it. Keep it simple with a few proven, science-backed products that really work.

Finally, what’s in your La Pochette?

Typically phone, purse, keys, water bottle and airpods are an absolute must, travelling about as much as I do requires a constant soundtrack.


About LYMA
LYMA is the creator and leader of WellTech™, a new industry fusing the worlds of wellness and tech. Founded in 2018, the British company launched with the LYMA Supplement, the first formula engineered with ten peer-reviewed, patented ingredients in dosages proven to work, setting a new standard within the nutraceutical market. In 2020, it revolutionised the beauty industry with the LYMA Laser, the first clinic-grade laser cleared for use at home, 100x more effective than LED. In 2021, LYMA was named one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Beauty Companies for its category-defining products. LYMA also achieved B Corp certification in September 2022; and in April 2023 was honoured with the first ever King’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade.